Monday, April 23, 2007


Ma gandeam de ieri la postul asta. Insa azi, cand m-am asezat in fata calculatorului, am realizat ca nici una din idei nu era buna. Pentru ca se amesteca in mine o groaza de emotii si de sentimente teribil de contradictorii, si daca le-as pune pe toate aici, ar iesi o varza demna de cea mai mare salata vazuta vreodata.

This one is for the one that gave me the chance to be here.

I love you...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Here I Am...

... on the road again,
There I am, up on the stage,
Here I go, I'm playing star again
There I go, I turn the page.

Is this what we are bound to do for a lifetime? Turn the page? Whenever the road turns narrow and harsh, we just look behind for a second and turn the page?

For all I care, I can do this. It's just that at times I get the feeling I may have left a part of me somewhere back on that road. I do not wish to be a star, yet again, my deepest desire is to be my own life's star. How do I do that? I am not sure whether I have figured it out. But I am sure as hell I do not plan to stop here. As William Forrester put it: "The rest of those gone before us cannot steady the unrest ofthe ones to follow". And I know that everybody is here only for a little while. Than why not make the best out of it?

Go ahead, chase clouds, pursuit restlesness, cheer for sparkles of adventure and novelty and suck out all the marrow of life. You all deserve it!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Pentru ca pot

- Tu pentru ce revista lucrezi?
- Pentru nici una.
- Si atunci de ce te risti si stai in ac de par?
- Pentru ca imi place?!

PS: Copyright 2006-2007 Alina Vasilescu. Toate imaginile sunt proprietatea mea si nu pot fi folosite integral sau partial fara permisiunea mea, in concordanta cu legea nr 8/1996, privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe.

Daca ai ajuns sa citesti asta, esti PREA curios!!!

Copyright 2006-2007 Alina Vasilescu - - Toate textele si imaginile aflate pe acest site sunt proprietatea autorului si nu pot fi folosite integral sau partial fara permisiunea acestuia, in concordanta cu legea nr 8/1996, privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe.